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Cosmetic Dentistry in Kingston, Ontario

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Park Family Dentistry provides cosmetic dentistry in Kingston, Ontario. Call 613-544-2432 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Dental Cosmetic Bonding

Many people feel embarrassed by their teeth, but practitioners like Dr. Park Family Dentistry can help improve your smile's appearance. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a healthy smile while improving discoloration and missing or compromised teeth.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

The primary benefit of cosmetic dentistry is improving the appearance of your smile. As a secondary benefit, restorative dentistry techniques like crowns and bridges also help rebuild your teeth's structure and function.

Cosmetic dentistry contributes to a patient's self-esteem. When you have an improved smile, you are more likely to show it off. Your positive attitude can be infectious, giving others a favorable impression and attracting personal and professional success.

Procedures Offered

These are the cosmetic procedures we offer in our Kingston, Ontario office: 

Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry combines cosmetic concerns with attention to your teeth's function. We can restore compromised teeth with composite (tooth-colored) fillings, crowns, and bridges. Your ability to chew, smile, and talk normally will be restored.
Learn more about Restorative Dentistry
One-Day CEREC Dental Crowns and Bridges
Dr. Park's office possesses the newest technology in creating tooth restorations. The CEREC system combines a powerful digital intraoral scanner with a machine that makes custom crowns and bridges on demand.

The dentist quickly scans your mouth's hard and soft tissues to ensure a perfect fit. They then design the crown and transmit the data to the CEREC machine. Shortly, the crown is ready to be placed.

Placing crowns and bridges in one appointment is a huge time-saving for the dentist and patient. CEREC crowns and bridges are as strong and effective as those from a dental lab.
Learn more about One-Day CEREC Dental Crowns and Bridges
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers can revive your smile. The dentist covers stained, chipped, or slightly misaligned teeth using thin sheets of stain-resistant porcelain. The dentist removes some enamel to prepare the surface for veneers. Veneers last for years and produce a bright, polished look.
Learn more about Porcelain Veneers
Zoom! Teeth Whitening
Zoom! is an advanced teeth whitening method that uses a special light to activate a hydrogen peroxide solution. Zoom! is far more effective than traditional teeth whitening and can reduce stains in just one visit.
Learn more about Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Why Choose Dr. Park Family Dentistry?

Our office is family-friendly, compassionate, and non-judgmental. We communicate effectively with our patients, ensuring they understand their treatment options. We speak English and Korean and focus on welcoming patients of all ages and backgrounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is cosmetic dentistry different from general dentistry?
Primarily, the business of cosmetic dentistry is about your smile's outward appearance. While general dentistry helps to prevent dental problems and correct those that arise, cosmetic dentistry mainly focuses on the aesthetics of your smile. Extra benefits may come from cosmetic procedures. For example, teeth whitening kills bacteria and helps oral health.
Is cosmetic dentistry expensive?

Cosmetic dentistry represents an investment in your appearance and well-being. It is a good idea to check on your insurance coverage before beginning any cosmetic dentistry procedures.

What problems can my dentist address with cosmetic techniques?

Here are some of the problems that cosmetic dentistry can solve:

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Broken or damaged teeth
Are veneers painful?
No, veneers are not painful to install or wear. The dentist gently removes some tooth enamel to apply the porcelain veneer. The dentist uses a particular adhesive layer to bond your tooth with the porcelain. Veneers should last for several years.
How many visits will Zoom! tooth whitening take?
The length of treatment depends on how much whitening you want to see. Typically it takes only a few visits to make a remarkable difference in your smile. You can book touch-up appointments later on to perfect your smile.
Is there anything I should avoid doing after teeth whitening?

You may have some lingering sensitivity after teeth whitening. Use a quality sensitivity toothpaste and avoid freezing and hot foods until the sensitivity subsides.

Avoid staining beverages as much as possible, and if you drink them, brush them immediately afterward or rinse your mouth with water. Examples of staining beverages include coffee, tea, red wine, and cola. Look out also for staining foods like beets.

Call 613-544-2432 to schedule an appointment.

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1412 Princess St., #101B
Kingston, ON K7M-3E5
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